Acre in Rio Grande Estates!
1 Acre - Socorro, New Mexico 87801

Have you ever wanted to lock in a low price for a parcel of land NOW, then hold on to it for building your get away tiny house or retirement home? Dream of living off the grid?
This property is appraised at: Actual $1,800, Assessed at $600 (what taxes are based on). Annual taxes are just $19.64.
Rio Grande Estates
Beautiful Albuquerque Area In The Rio Grande River Valley
These are 1 acre (some are slightly less) building lots located southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico in Valencia County. They are located in the Rio Grande Estates subdivision.
The Rio Grande Estates is a very large, undeveloped subdivision community. All lots are located in Socorro County, and are approximately 60 minutes south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. They are well suited for off-grid, tiny house, and eventual retirement living. Buy now and lock in an inexpensive lot for the future.
The town of Belen is the closest, and approximately 20 minutes from the lots. It is rapidly becoming a bedroom community to the city of Albuquerque. The main population of the area is along the I-25 corridor and the Rio Grande River. The Rio Communities lie to the east of this main corridor. There are scattered subdivisions throughout this area and there are other areas of no development. There are many nice homes in the already developed areas. These parcels are between the Rio Grande River and the Manzano Mountains. You will be a couple of miles from the Rio Communities Development Area where there are shopping centers, businesses, churches, schools, a senior center, and many homes. You will be only a few miles from the Tierra Del Sol Country Club And Golf Course. Property is level to rolling with native grasses. There are stunning views in every direction. To the east the Manzano Mountains tower over 10,000 feet offering breathtaking views of the Rockies. There are several National Forest and wilderness areas within a short drive. They offer an incredible variety of outdoor activities such as mountain bike riding, hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, canoeing, snow skiing, horseback riding, ATV riding, sightseeing, and just relaxing.
This area is now poised to explode. A New Interchange off of I-25 is in the works. This $96 million project will connect I-25 to State Highway 314, across the Rio Grande River and then on to State Highway 47 where these Rio Communities are located. The bypass will make the Rio Communities more accessible and create more traffic through the area. The Rio Communities are currently the last large vacant tract of land in the area and with easier access, growth will be coming this way.
At the very next exit to the north on I-25, a large 1,500 home subdivision is nearing completion. Another developer has purchased a 6,000 acre tract near the same exit and has been developing it. Adjacent to Socorro County, Valencia County’s population has grown an incredible 46% in the last 10 years alone and now is over 69,000. The city of Belen already has a population of over 7,100 and the Rio Communities have another 5,800.
Residents of Valencia County voted to pass a referendum to build a new hospital in the county. They have announced that this hospital will be built inside the Rio Communities next to Belen. This will be another huge boost to this area.
In the immediate Belen area there are a Walmart Super Center, IGA Grocery, Staples, senior center, museum, The University Of New Mexico – Valencia Campus, as well as the normal array of schools, churches, health care, etc. With convenient access to Interstate 25, all other amenities are just a short drive away in Albuquerque. The very next exit north on Interstate 25 has another Super Walmart as well as Walmart’s central distribution center for the entire state. On up I-25 is Albuquerque, which is the largest city in New Mexico and is home to the annual International Balloon Fiesta. And don’t forget the large resort and casino in Isleta that is just a 25 minute ride away.
In early 2007 the Regional Transportation District opened the new passenger rail system. This links the Belen/Los Lunas area directly with Albuquerque. Residents are now able to live in the Belen area and work in Albuquerque, commuting on this light rail system. This rail system network has recently been extended the entire way to the state capital of Santa Fe.
Elevation of 5,000 feet makes for near perfect weather year round. The summer highs are in the 80’s & 90’s with the winter highs in the 50’s. There are about 350 sunny days per year making this area “the sunniest in the country”. Come see why New Mexico is known as “The Land Of Enchantment”.
These lots are all considered to be 1 acre lots, even though some may be slightly smaller. The exact measurements of these lots are generally either 180 feet wide by 242 feet deep, or they are 177 feet wide by 222 feet deep. The roads are all dedicated roads which means none of the property area is given up to be part of the road easement.
There is maintained county road frontage into this subdivision. Every parcel has legal access on platted road frontage and these roads were all graded in several years ago. With little or no traffic since then, most of these roads will need a little clearing up. Every property was surveyed and pinned when the subdivision was laid out and approved, although these markers may not all be visible today.
These building lots are all great building sites with excellent views. This makes for a great investment for that dream house. There are no time restrictions on when to build, there are no requirements that you must build, and there are no association fees. There are utilities in the general area, but not yet to these properties. In the meantime you can use a generator or go solar. Cell phones are normal. If you want to dig a well for water, wells in the area are approximately 200 to 350 feet deep. Sewage would be by septic – when you build. Taxes are only $19.64 per year and are current, and have free and clear titles.